Customer service

How long is the delivery time of my order?

As soon as we have received your order, we will immediately start working for you! The parcel deliverer will be at your doorstep within 2-3 working days. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a track & trace link to track your order.

What are the shipping costs?

We charge €4.95 for the shipment of your package in the Netherlands and Belgium. With an order above € 79.95, the shipping costs are free! Shipping to the UK is € 12,50

Exchange product?

Have you just chosen the wrong size and want to exchange your product? That's no problem at all. You can contact us for this. You do bear the costs for returning the product yourself.

Help, I have entered the wrong delivery address!

Accidentally entered the wrong delivery address? Please contact us. We will then try to change the order for you.

How can I return my product?

It may happen that you want to return an order. Whatever the reason, you have the right to cancel the order up to 14 days after receipt.

Register your return via our contact form, we will send you the return form as soon as possible. After receipt of the product, the purchase amount will be credited within 10 working days.

If the product is damaged, we can pass on this depreciation of the product. So treat the product with care and make sure that it is well packaged when you return it.